Men’s Health Week 2020 runs all this week from Monday 15th to Sunday 21st June
Almost 5,000 men died from heart disease or stroke last year showing the devastating impact cardiovascular disease is having on male health in Ireland.
This week is Men’s Health Week 2020, an annual event run by the Men’s Health Forum in Ireland with support from more than 90 partner organisations and the HSE, which aims to raise awareness of preventable health problems, support men and boys to live healthier lives, and encourage them to seek help or treatment early.
According to the CSO Vital Statistics Yearly Summary 2019 report, released last month, 4,744 men died from cardiovascular disease last year, which includes heart disease and stroke. Of these 2, 561 died from ischaemic heart disease and of these 1,038 had a heart attack.
A total of 783 men died from “other heart disease”, 713 died from stroke or “cerebrovascular disease” while 686 men died from “other diseases of the circulatory system”.
Men’s Health Week 2020 runs all this week from Monday 15th to Sunday to Sunday 21st June (Father’s Day), and as 80 per cent of premature heart disease and stroke is preventable, the message for all men in Ireland is that now would be a good time to get your heart health checked and take some simple steps to reduce your risk.
" During men’s health week, restore your balance and take some time for yourself, plan to look after your heart health and have a check-up soon,"
Marese Damery, Healthcheck Manager , The Irish Heart Foundation
Commenting Marese Damery, Healthcheck Manager with the Irish Heart Foundation said, “Coronavirus has had a huge impact on everyone and on men in particular. While going to the doctor for your usual check- up may not seem important during this time, it is very important to look after your whole health.
“During men’s health week, restore your balance and take some time for yourself, plan to look after your heart health and have a check-up soon. Having a blood pressure, pulse and cholesterol check can tell you lots about your heart health and, if needed, by making small gradual changes, over time, you can reduce your risk of having a stroke or heart attack, such as by being more active, eating a balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables and by keeping your alcohol within the recommended guidelines. It is very important to have regular check-ups to keep your heart healthy and happy.”
Colin Fowler, Director of Operations for the Men’s Health Forum in Ireland, said, “Coronavirus has had an impact at many levels. Individuals across Ireland are trying to re-build their physical health, emotional resilience, relationships, jobs, finances, connections and routines. There is a need to find some new form of equilibrium – at least in the short-term. Throughout Men’s Health Week, everyone is asked to ‘be part of the solution’ and to do what they can – no matter how small – to help to restore some balance and stability. Rarely has this been more needed. “
The Irish Heart Foundation’s nurse support line is available five days a week. Anyone living with heart disease and stroke who has concerns or questions about the coronavirus can contact the nurse support line on 01 668 5001 or
The Irish Heart Foundation’s new heart support group is on Facebook. Anyone who lives with heart failure or another heart condition or has a family member living with a heart condition can join here:
The Irish Heart Foundation runs 21 stroke support groups and 5 heart failure groups around the country. All these groups have moved to telephone and online support. For more information, see
The Irish Heart Foundation in conjunction with the HSE National Stroke Programme, has launched a new telephone support service for stroke patients who have recently been discharged from hospital. For more information, see here.
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23. 2% of people were signposted to their GP following a Mobile Health Unit heart health check
Researchers from SETU evaluated the effectiveness of the Mobile Health Unit and found that dozens of patients needed further check-ups following a high blood pressure reading.