Stroke News

World Stroke Day 2019- Women more likely to die from stroke

On World Stroke Day 2019 women are urged to be aware of stroke signs and act FAST

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Stroke News   |   29th Oct 2019

Don’t let the flu get to you this winter

Get the flu vaccine and protect your heart

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Heart News   |   10th Oct 2019

Stroke patients delayed seeking help for more than 3 hours

The 2018 National Stroke Register highlights urgent need for the reintroduction of the FAST stroke public awareness campaign

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Stroke News   |   7th Oct 2019

Inherited high cholesterol - what you need to know

Inerherited high cholesterol also known as familial hypercholesterolaemia is a genetic condition that causes very high levels of cholesterol in your blood

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Heart News   |   2nd Oct 2019

When stroke strikes unexpectedly

Remembering Sinead Breen who tragically died of a stroke aged just 43

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Heart News   |   24th Sep 2019

Exercising with a disability post stroke

Exercising with a disability post stroke

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Stroke News   |   11th Sep 2019

Preparing for a Care Planning or Family Meeting post stroke

What is a Care Planning or Family Meeting and how to prepare

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Stroke News   |   23rd Aug 2019

Ireland ‘failing’ people with neurological disease

Neurological Alliance of Ireland calls for increased investment in neurological care

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Stroke News   |   22nd Jul 2019

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