Stroke News

Heart of the matter - crossing your legs & blood pressure

Heart of the matter - Can crossing your legs raise your blood pressure?

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Heart News   |   9th Aug 2018

Top travel tips for your heart

Dos and don'ts for travelling with a heart condition or after a stroke

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Heart News   |   3rd Aug 2018

Delay to thrombectomy shortens stroke patients’ lives

Delays to thrombectomy decreases both quality and length of stroke patients' lives

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Stroke News   |   27th Jul 2018

Could clots that cause strokes be key to new treatments?

NUI Galway study to examine blood clots that cause strokes

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Stroke News   |   12th Jul 2018

Pharmacists can play key role in stroke prevention

Irish Pharmacy Union study aimed at detecting undiagnosed hypertension and atrial fibrillation

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Stroke News   |   5th Jul 2018

The heart of the matter – earlobes

Do earlobes predict heart trouble?

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Heart News   |   25th Jun 2018

New app to help manage post stroke fatigue

Stroke survivor’s fatigue app selected for European digital health programme

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Stroke News   |   22nd Jun 2018

Thrombectomy is feasible for very old stroke patients

Thrombectomy in acute stroke is feasible for very old patients

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Stroke News   |   21st Jun 2018

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