School Resources

SPHE Toolkit

Empower your students with a deeper understanding of vaping’s impact with these free school resources.

Let’s Talk About Vaping PowerPoint: Use the PowerPoint with all of your school community, suitable for use across any subject, especially SPHE, CSPE and as a CBA topic. Students will learn how vaping impacts the body, how it damages the environment and the marketing strategies of vaping companies.

Vaping webpage and fact sheet: We have created a webpage and accompanying factsheet for students to do their own research on vaping.

Get Active Extensions: Engage your students in making a difference with our ‘Get Active’ activities, from writing to your TD to creating awareness materials.

Download your school resources below.



Let's Talk About Vaping

Spread the F.A.S.T message with these free school resources

The Irish Heart Foundation has created a resource pack for schools to use to spread the lifesaving F.A.S.T. message.

F.A.S.T Powerpoint: Use the powerpoint with all of your school community, suitable for use across any subject. Students will learn why the F.A.S.T message is important, how to recognise stroke and when to Act F.A.S.T.

Group Empathy Activity: We have included an empathy activity for the classroom as an optional extra to extend your lesson.

Teacher Guide: We have accompanying teaching notes to support you. These will guide you through the powerpoint, the empathy activity and give suggestions for students who want to spread the F.A.S.T. message as part of a project.

These resources were designed with our Youth Advisory Panel.

Download your school resources below.

"Act FAST, it does save lives."

Shannonree Maher - Young Stroke Survivor

FAST Campaign Resources

"The symptoms of stroke can be completely reversed and cured if you get to treatment within the first few hours,"

Dr John Thornton, Director of the National Thrombectomy Service, Beaumont Hospital Dublin

The Irish Heart Foundation’s Act F.A.S.T. campaign aims to raise awareness of the signs of stroke and the importance of calling an ambulance as soon as possible.

F.A.S.T. stands for Face, Arms, Speech and Time.

Effective stroke treatment is hugely time dependent. The faster you act, the more of the person you can save.

Stroke destroys two million brain cells every minute. If you suspect that someone is having a stroke call 112 or 999 immediately.

Every minute matters so act F.A.S.T.

Calling an ambulance and getting straight to the Emergency Department can make all the difference. Emergency stroke treatments can greatly reduce the disability a person may have after a stroke.

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