Plan to reduce strokes by 10 per cent by 2030

By June Shannon Stroke News   |   25th May 2018

New Action Plan for Stroke in Europe launched

25 May 2018

By June Shannon

The Stroke Alliance For Europe (SAFE); of which the Irish Heart Foundation is a member, has launched a new Stroke Action Plan for Europe that aims to reduce the overall number of strokes in Europe by 10 per cent by 2030.

The Plan was launched as part of the 2nd EU Stroke Summit which took place earlier this week (Wednesday 23 May) and provides a clear roadmap and targets for 2030 which aim to improve stroke care in Europe.

It also identified four clear targets which the Action Plan aims to achieve by 2030. These are to : reduce the number of strokes in Europe by 10 per cent, treat 90 per cent or more of all stroke patients in Europe in a dedicated stroke unit, have national plans for stroke encompassing the entire chain of care from primary prevention through to life after stroke, and fully implement national strategies for multi-sectoral public health interventions promoting and facilitating a healthy life-style, and reducing environmental (including air pollution), socio-economical and educational factors that increase the risk of stroke.”

"The target of cutting the number of strokes by 10 per cent by 2030 is very ambitious,"

Mr Chris Macey, Head of Advocacy , Irish Heart Foundation

The Plan also sets out additional specific targets under seven separate areas of Primary Prevention, Stroke Services Organisation, Acute Stroke Management, Secondary Prevention, Rehabilitation, Evaluation of Quality and Outcomes and Life After Stroke.

Commenting on the Stroke Action Plan Mr Chris Macey, Head of Advocacy with the Irish Heart Foundation said, “the target of cutting the number of strokes by 10 per cent by 2030 is very ambitious, given that SAFE research has predicted a 59 per cent increase in stroke in Ireland in that timeframe, largely due to our ageing population. Achieving it will require significantly greater focus on risk factors for stroke such as unhealthy diets, sedentary lifestyles, controlling blood pressure and cholesterol, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.”


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