Men’s Health Week – keeping your blood pressure in check

By June Shannon Heart News   |   18th Jun 2021

As International Men’s Health Week comes to an end on Sunday, it’s a chance to remind men about the importance of keeping an eye on their blood pressure.

The theme for Men’s Health Week 2021 led by the Men’s Health Forum in Ireland (MHFI) , is ‘Make the Connections’ and throughout the week men are being encouraged to – Check In. Check Up. Check It Out

One of the most important things to keep in check when it comes to your heart health is blood pressure.

Left untreated high blood pressure can cause you to have a heart attack or debilitating stroke, it can also increase your risk of developing dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease in later life. High blood pressure also increases the risk of kidney failure and heart failure as well as erectile dysfunction.

Unfortunately, high blood pressure does not have any symptoms and that is why it is important to get your blood pressure monitored regularly.

If you are over 30, you should have your blood pressure checked once a year by your family doctor or practice nurse.

One of the most important things to keep in check when it comes to your heart health is blood pressure.


Two numbers are used to measure the level of your blood pressure. One number records blood pressure when the pressure is at its highest i.e. as the heart muscle squeezes the blood out of your heart – this is called systolic pressure.

Then, the other number is when your heart relaxes i.e. allows the blood to flow back into the heart – this is called diastolic pressure.

The normal level of blood pressure is usually about 120 (systolic) over 80 (diastolic). If you have been told that your blood pressure is 140 over 90 or higher (or 140 over 80 if you have diabetes) you should discuss this with your family doctor.

Tips for a healthy Blood Pressure 

International Men’s Health Week on the island of Ireland is coordinated by the Men’s Health Forum in Ireland (MHFI) and funded by the HSE and the Public Health Agency.


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