The Irish Heart Foundation is offering a month-long challenge to break up your sitting time during the working day. Challenge yourself to move for just one minute in every hour that you are working.
Many people who work in desk-based jobs can unknowingly find themselves sitting down for more than eight hours a day. Even if we are active in our free time, sitting for long periods of time is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke.
When is the last time you did a jumping jack?
To help you take part in the Escape your Chair challenge, we have developed a range of resources including a calendar showing a new movement idea for each working day of the month. From marching on the spot to heel taps, high knees and jumping jacks, there is no end to the movements you can do in just one minute.
Throughout the plan you’ll find cardiovascular, muscle strength, balance and mobility movements so you can improve all aspects of your physical fitness. Why not set a reminder and get moving with the Irish Heart Foundation throughout the month? You can do this challenge any time of year.
Check out our monthly calendar for movement ideas.