The Irish Heart Foundation is proud to support Men’s Health Week 2022
For Men’s Health Week 2022 the Irish Heart Foundation is urging all men to take the first steps to protect their heart health.
Men’s Health Week is an initiative of Men’s Health Forum in Ireland, a charity that works across the island of Ireland to improve the health of men and boys. Men’s Health Week runs from today (Monday the 13th of June) to Sunday the 19th (Father’s Day) ), and aims to raise awareness of preventable health problems, support men and boys to live healthier lives, and encourage them to seek help or treatment at an early stage.
The theme for Men’s Health Week 2022 is ‘MISSION: isPOSSIBLE’ where men and boys on the island of Ireland are also being asked to step up and accept their own personal health challenge.
Research clearly shows that men are dying too young as a result of ill health with more men than women dying from almost all of the leading causes of death at all ages. Research has also shown that men’s poorer lifestyles are responsible for a high proportion of chronic diseases including heart disease. Late presentations by men to health services can also lead to a large number of problems becoming untreatable.
According to MHFI, “all too often we set ourselves unrealistic targets. Therefore, this year, everyone is asked to focus upon small, simple, and practical things to improve their health.”
" The Irish Heart Foundation is delighted to mark Men's Health Week by holding heart health checks in a number of Men's Sheds.”
Janis Morrissey, Director of Health Promotion, Information and Training, The Irish Heart Foundation
Commenting Janis Morrissey, the Irish Heart Foundation said, “During Men’s Health Week 2022, take the first steps towards protecting your heart. The good news is that 80 per cent of premature heart disease and stroke is preventable and there are things men can do to reduce their risk. These include stopping smoking, reducing alcohol intake, getting their blood pressure and cholesterol checked, eating a healthy diet, being a healthy weight and being physically active. The Irish Heart Foundation is delighted to mark Men’s Health Week by holding heart health checks in a number of Men’s Sheds.”
Dr Noel Richardson, Director of the National Centre for Men’s Health in South East Technological University, said: “For me, the key message for Men’s Health Week is that small things can really make a difference – whether it’s going for a walk, taking time out, reconnecting with a friend. It’s about doing something positive for yourself and building momentum towards positive change, one step at a time.”
Here are some simple practical steps to help improve your health from MHFI
23. 2% of people were signposted to their GP following a Mobile Health Unit heart health check
Researchers from SETU evaluated the effectiveness of the Mobile Health Unit and found that dozens of patients needed further check-ups following a high blood pressure reading.