Helping People to Remain at Home


Irish Heart is supporting the call for increased investment in home care in Budget 2017 so that people affected by ill health and disability (including disability caused by stroke and chronic heart conditions) can remain at home for as long as possible.

Research recently published (by the School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice in UCD, Age Action, The Alzheimer Society of Ireland and the Irish Association of Social Workers) found that more than half of older people could remain in their own homes instead of going into long-term care if more home support services were available.


Why home care support is better and vital


We believe it can support people to:


With our ageing population we are seeing increases in chronic conditions like heart failure and increased incidence of stroke as well as other illnesses and these require a significant annual increase in home care support.


Provision needs to be restored and increased


The cuts to home care provision over the years have not been restored to the levels required to keep pace with our significant ageing demographics. Provision needs to increase by 4% per year to merely keep pace with these pressures. Research from Care Alliance Ireland suggests an ongoing deficit of 1.6 million home care hours in 2016 alone.

The latest call for investment in home care is supported by the Irish Heart Foundation, Age Action, The Alzheimer Society of Ireland, Alone, Active Retired, Acquired Brain Injury Ireland, Age & Opportunity, Care Alliance Ireland, Family Carers Ireland, DFI, IASW, The Irish Hospice Foundation, MS Ireland, NAI, Third Age and SAGE.


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