Heart News

Heart attacks more likely to strike in winter

Be extra vigilant about heart attack symptoms during cold weather

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Heart News   |   21st May 2018

Another meeting? Why not walk and talk?

New Healthy Meeting Guidelines offer practical suggestions on how to hold a healthy meeting in your workplace.

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Heart News   |   11th May 2018

Irish doctors make history in treatment of serious heart condition

Irish doctors carried out the first non-surgical Potts shunt in Ireland and the UK for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension

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Heart News   |   10th May 2018

Dramatic reduction in smoking by Irish teens

Smoking among 15 and 16-year olds has dropped from 41 to 13 per cent

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Heart News   |   4th May 2018

These five habits could add 10 years to your life

A new study has found that just five habits may add years to your life

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Heart News   |   4th May 2018

Here comes the sun

The sun is expected to make a much welcome return this weekend which is great news for your heart.

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Heart News   |   4th Jun 2018

More than 5 drinks a week could shorten your life

New study found upper safe limit of drinking was about 5 drinks per week

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Heart News   |   1st May 2018

Kids need 60 mins exercise a day

National Active School Week takes place all this week

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Heart News   |   25th Apr 2018

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