Lower Childhood Obesity Rates

Our aim is to cut Childhood Obesity by 50 per cent by 2030 

The marketing, affordability and availability of processed unhealthy food all around us means young people are living in a toxic environment that is making them ill. Our world has changed from a few decades ago when childhood obesity was not an issue. We are seeing an increase in convenience foods, fewer children are cycling and walking to school and they are also spending more time sitting down while engaging in screen time.

More than 20 per cent of primary school children are presenting with unhealthy weight and obesity and this rises to one in four in disadvantaged areas. (Growing Up in Ireland 2019)

We have a duty of care to prevent young people from developing heart disease and stroke as adults. 

Join us in lowering childhood obesity rates, contact HoDonnell@irishheart.ie for more information

Join us in lowering child obesity rates

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