How will stroke affect my behaviour and emotions?

Feeling emotionally overwhelmed is natural after stroke.

You may have the following feelings:

Stroke can leave you feeling very emotional. You may be fatigued, very sleepy or have some side effects from your medication.

All this can affect your behaviour. You may:


Stroke may change how you respond to things, but it does not change who you are as a person.

Naming these changes, being aware of them and talking with others about them are the best ways of managing them.

How can I cope with these changes?

Treatments such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can help you better understand the link between your thinking and behaviour and how your actions affect other people.

Other ways to cope with behavioural changes include:


Are you struggling with your emotions after stroke?

The Irish Heart Foundation offers the following support:


It’s so important for yourself to reflect on your own story and experiences and be able to find some good in them – something positive can come from them, and others can be helped

Meaghan, young stroke survivor

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