The benefits of a good night’s sleep cannot be over-stated.
Last weekend, the clocks went forward, meaning that we now get to enjoy brighter evenings but, if you were feeling a little more tired than usual on Sunday, you weren’t alone!
The benefits of a good night’s sleep cannot be over-stated; they include better concentration, memory, learning, and mood. It is recommended that adults get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night. Good quality sleep is very important for our physical health, including heart health. Previous research has linked poor sleep habits with higher risk of heart disease, obesity, increased blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.
Most recently, a study in the Journal of the American Heart Association looking at the sleeping patterns of 2,000 adults over the age of 45 found that those who had irregular sleep schedules were more likely to have hardened arteries than those with more regular sleep patterns. Participants in the study who fell asleep at different times every night and slept an inconsistent number of hours were found to be more likely to develop atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a buildup of plaque on the inner lining of arteries, which can lead to heart attack or stroke.
It is recommended that adults get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night.
For many of us, the idea of getting the coveted eight hours of regular sleep every night might sound challenging. However, there are some simple tips you can keep in mind to improve your sleep hygiene:
The key is sticking to a regular sleep schedule as much as possible. A bedtime routine can help with this. It can be helpful to set an alarm for one hour before bedtime, so that you are reminded that it’s time to wind down. Winding down can look like different things for different people; some find a skincare routine relaxing, others like to journal or read a book. .
Another general rule is not to use smartphones or laptops before bed, because the bright blue light of most devices can disrupt your circadian rhythm, sending the wrong signals to your body and making it alert, as opposed to drowsy. Alcohol and caffeinated drinks are also best avoided before bedtime, as they can hinder the quality of your sleep.
A final helpful tip to improve your sleep quality is to focus on creating a nice sleep environment. Investing in dark blinds, blocking out distracting noise, and making sure your bedroom is not too hot or cold will hugely benefit the quality of your sleep.
Fatigue is one of the symptoms of heart failure.
Although a good night’s sleep is important for your heart, if you are constantly feeling tired, even after 7 or 8 hours of sleep every night, it might be a sign of a more serious issue. Fatigue is one of the symptoms of heart failure, when the heart is not working as well as it should be. It is normal to feel a little tired after a long day of work, but when the tiredness and lack of energy is constant, it is best to contact your GP.
Similarly, many stroke patients suffer from fatigue, as well as changes in their sleep patterns in the months following their stroke. This can be frustrating, because sleep is an important part of recovery. Post-stroke fatigue can feel different for everyone. Some people report feeling physically exhausted, whereas others feel mentally drained. If you think you have fatigue, it can be helpful to speak with a GP to address ways to manage the fatigue.
23. 2% of people were signposted to their GP following a Mobile Health Unit heart health check
Researchers from SETU evaluated the effectiveness of the Mobile Health Unit and found that dozens of patients needed further check-ups following a high blood pressure reading.