The Irish Heart Foundation’s first National Heart Conference – a free conference for people living with a heart condition, will take place on Monday, December 2nd in Dublin.
The first Irish Heart Foundation National Heart Conference takes place on Monday, 02nd December in the Croke Park Conference Centre from 9am to 4pm and is free to attend.
The event, which is geared towards people living with a heart condition and their families, will hear from leading medical experts in heart health who will speak on a range of issues from heart disease to medication and mental health.
The conference will also provide a forum for people affected by heart disease and their families to meet, share experiences and hear from leading medical experts.
Professor Vincent Maher, Consultant Cardiologist, Director of Chronic Cardiovascular Disease and Cardiac Rehabilitation at Tallaght University Hospital and incoming Irish Cardiac Society President, will address the meeting on living well with a heart condition.
Professor Maher is a former Medical Director of the Irish Heart Foundation and has a long-term interest in the prevention of heart disease. He will discuss how to live well with angina, heart failure and rhythm problems, as well as explaining the treatments available and what patients themselves can do to live well with these conditions.
“This December, the Irish Heart Foundation will host the first National Heart Conference allowing those living with heart conditions across Ireland to hear from medical experts on treatment and rehabilitation,"
Tim Collins, CEO , Irish Heart Fondation
Dr Virginia Silvari, Senior Pharmacist with Cork University Hospital, will discuss medicines for those living with a heart condition and Sinead Mulhern, Principal Clinical Psychologist in cardiac rehabilitation at the Mater Hospital in Dublin, will speak about mental health and provide a number of practical tips for people living with a heart condition.
Across these parallel sessions, attendees will hear from medical experts, gain an insight into these different heart conditions and how to live well with them and will also have an opportunity to ask questions.
Speaking ahead of the conference, Mr Tim Collins, CEO of the Irish Heart Foundation, said, “This December, the Irish Heart Foundation will host the first National Heart Conference allowing those living with heart conditions across Ireland to hear from medical experts on treatment and rehabilitation. The learnings taken from the conference can help us all in our fight against heart disease.”
Tickets can be booked via , by contacting or phoning 01 6685001 by Friday, November 29th 2019.
23. 2% of people were signposted to their GP following a Mobile Health Unit heart health check
Researchers from SETU evaluated the effectiveness of the Mobile Health Unit and found that dozens of patients needed further check-ups following a high blood pressure reading.